Monday, December 25, 2006

and after the wealth comes

a mess....

We opened presents, a better year than we have had in many, many years. The kids had plenty...we had plenty. And what was left was a big bag of wrapping paper and ribbon. Toys and clothes and movies got put away.

We ate breakfast. Homemade cinnamon rolls. We have some left for tomorrow.

I made pork roast and stuffing and mashed potatoes and yams and olives and pickles, etc. etc. and then we did the dishes.

As usual I realize how truly rich my family is. Rich in friends, rich in family, rich in everyway.
Rich in LOVE.

I hope that your holiday is as RICH and full of LOVE and fun as ours. And in the end I feel fabulous that we donated to Doctors without Borders. If you realize today because you know where your next meal is coming from, where you will sleep tonight, where your next money will come from that you too are truly RICH...consider a donation. We were inspired by the Yarn Harlot here:
donations go here:

I hope that your day is filled with love and that you spread the light...

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