so...i spend yesterday dyeing some llama for a customer...I need to blend and spin it. I finished up my two roving of the month clubs and am ready to mail them out today. Beautiful red blend alpaca...and a special treat of purple and blue tussah!
I spent this morning trying some new stuff. I ordered some new dye so I'm trying to use up my dye stock (already mixed) before it gets here. So i dyed the red/orange and purple below...tussah silk. I love it! and some with red and old gold (i'm a little disappointed as the old gold is mostly gone!). I may re-dye it with more old gold. the stuff in the pot is a little of the left over red and purple.
Be sure to check out my etsy store for yarn and roving galore! the way...i still have contest yarn in my store! name it and earn 15 dollars credit in my store!!!!!!!