Monday, February 14, 2005

a week+ of spinning

This isn't actually all I've done for the last two weeks of spinning, but it's everything that's ready to sell. there are some other things I've got--a bunch of little bitty skeins that I intend to sell as a kit for a scarf, but I need more colors. and of course some of the nifty pink swirl my Love Ewe from the Spindler list sent me. plus some pale pink variegated that i've got one more skein to finish. anyway, good week...hope yours was the same/

stuff is selling well on ebay...check it out if you are interested. castleman.spf is my seller id... here's a link to my stuff--

so, i've got more spinning to do, leave me a note, i'd love to hear from you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Rita.... it's your lazy procrastinating Luv Ewe here! I still haven't sent your package... but I guarantee you'll love it when you get it. I'm just finishing the last little bit of it.... :) Happy Valentines Day!

Unknown said...

a depends on lots of things...